Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Anchor Charts Galore

This year, I posted my anchor charts in a way that allowed students to access the most recent charts along with others from the same unit. I tacked them up and used post-its at the bottom to label them like tabs. Then students could come up and flip to the anchor chart they wanted to reference. I was amazed at how much students used them.

The only problem was that eventually the thumb tacks just couldn't hold up any more charts. I switched to giant push pins that I got a Target which held up better, but still had their limits. With the giant push pins, I could usually keep a unit's worth of charts up. I'm looking for a way to archive digital anchor charts for students next year because often charts from past units are still useful. Do you have any ideas about a permanent digital archive that I could use that would be student accessible?

I took pictures of my anchor charts before recycling them at the end of the year. They aren't in any particular order, sorry! Obviously some charts are better than others. Keep in mind that they were made in response to where my students were at the time.

How do you archive your anchor charts? Do your students have access to them?