Tuesday, August 28, 2012

Day Three

Today was a busy day. I had a lot to get done since I left the room a disaster yesterday and it has to be clean for tomorrow. One of our amazing janitors is going to wax my floor. He didn't get a chance when he did all the other rooms because of the moving schedule. Now it is causing us both much more work, since we have to clear the floor after all the furniture has been set up and I have unpacked. Anyway, he's willing to do it and he's doing it on my schedule! And he said he wouldn't be able to move the furniture back before I come in on Thursday since the wax will be drying overnight, but he'll help me to move furniture to wherever I want it to go. He is a very kind man! Wax will make a big difference on this floor, I think!

I had an awesome helper for most of the day today which also really helped. She finished leveling ALL of my books! Incredible! I've never had all my books leveled, even when I had fewer books.
She also helped me with a few two person jobs.

Overall, the room looks a lot better! I created more work for myself at the end of the day when I needed to put more stuff away but didn't know where to put it yet. I started shoving things in shelves, closets, and boxes, just to get it out of the way. When I go back on Thursday, I'll have to take everything back out and actually organize it.

One of the two person jobs was hanging my rocket on the ceiling above the carpet area. It used to be high up on the wall in my classroom that had super tall ceilings. I don't have the wall space for it in this room, but I like it better on the ceiling anyway!

I put some math manipulatives and supplies away in this shelf. I thought this would be my math shelf for kids to access, but I'm rethinking that. I think the one I posted about yesterday that's kind of odd might be better for math stuff. 

I found another box of teacher resource books, which sparked a reorganization of my bookshelf. Probably doesn't look much different to you, but took my a chunk of time and is now more usable to me. (Sorry for the blurry picture.)

This is by the door and will be the way the kids leave the room to go to the bathroom, the office, etc. I made these sheets a few days ago. I think they'll be much better than using notebook paper like I did last year. 

This is what my classroom looked like when I left today. Notice the mostly clear desktops and floor! 

My helper also helped me put up the paper for this bulletin board. I learned that everyone else I've had make bulletin boards for me are much better at it than I am. Those ripples will drive me nuts all year! I think I will try to recruit helpers every year! (Ahem... Mom & Dad, you were great at it!)

Also, the cabinet that I was not very happy to receive yesterday (partially pictured on left, below) was renamed "The Chokey" today. Calling it that made my day! (I obviously won't call it that around parents or students.)

My huge learning of the day today was that I should've bought a staple gun sooner! If you are a teacher and you don't have one, get one! They make putting up bulletin boards, posters, rockets on the ceiling, etc. so much easier! They are especially helpful if you have carpeted (or soft) walls, like I do, since using a regular stapler wrinkles and tears the paper when you put pressure on it. The staples also seem to grab much better (even the small size).

I forgot to mention my good news from yesterday. My coworker and I wanted to paint our "new" bookshelves since they have seen much better days. We thought about having a parent painting party. When we approached our principal about painting, he also came up with the idea of a painting party and is going to get our PTA going on it! I'm going to add The Chokey to the list to be painted. I can't handle the mauve and mint paint job that is currently on it. 

Tomorrow is a furlough day, so I won't be working. Instead, I will be cooking and baking freezable to-go breakfasts for school days. 

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