Friday, August 31, 2012

Day 5

Ooops! I forgot to take pictures today. However, the changes I made today were not really visible. I started setting up my filing cabinet, laminated my name tags, and die cut a whole bunch of stuff to add to bulletin boards. I also started covering another bulletin board and ran out of paper six inches from the edge of the bottom half. I can't find any more paper in that color in the building either. Not sure how I'm going to fix that one.

I also had to redo some stuff that was already done such as hanging my rocket on the ceiling. More district people were working on wiring in the ceiling, which slowed my progress since I was working around them, and I had to rehang my rocket.

I'm going in tomorrow for 5 or so hours. I'm hoping to finish that bulletin board, work on (and hopefully finish) my jobs board, find a way to hang my calendar on a wood cabinet, and finish setting up my files.

Great News!

I forgot to say yesterday that we got really exciting news in our staff meeting. The preliminary MSP scores have been released and.... (drum roll) 100% of fifth graders passed the science section!! I get emotional even when talking about it. If you knew how chaotic my year felt last year, you would completely understand why this makes me emotional. I'm so proud of my kiddos for putting all their effort into that test, using all they knew, and achieving those results!

You can check out our school report card on OSPI's website here.

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